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Je winkelmand is leeg

Doorgaan met winkelen


Once orders are received by the Post Office we are no longer responsible for the transit or delivery of these items. Please monitor all updates and tracking information across USPS platforms and remove packages from mail upon delivery.

You will be notified of tracking information once your order ships or your label is created. A label created does not indicate that your order has shipped, it simply generates a tracking number that you are able to monitor across USPS platforms. This information will be updated once your order is received and scanned by the post office.

With all purchases you understand and agree that your order will be processed and shipped within 10-14 business days. Weekends, state, federal and personal holidays are exempt. This processing time applies to local orders. You will be contacted once your order is ready for pickup.
Please contact us via email with any questions or concerns upon delivery of your order. CLICK HERE to review our Refund + Return Policy.