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2MERIC • Even Skin System


The 2MERIC Even Skin System consists of a 6-step oil and clay based routine and daily skin ritual that may tone complexion, improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of blemishes, acne scars and hyperpigmentation. All products are formulated with a variety of organic herbs, clays and oils.


TURMERIC is an Ayurvedic spice traditionally used in beauty rituals for evening tone and reducing inflammation of the skin. TURMERIC is antimicrobial and may balance good and bad bacteria on the skin, making it beneficial in preventing and reducing acne. May prevent and alleviate flare ups of eczema and psoriasis.

AMLA, AMALAKI or INDIAN GOOSEBERRY, is an ancient fruit and superfood now recognized as one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that helps protect the skin from premature aging and free radical damage. PUMPKIN SEED is rich in Omegas 3 and 6, as well as minerals, vitamins and antioxidants such as Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamins C and E, Zinc. These nutrients may stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, thus improving skin tone, skin texture and elasticity. The vitamins in AMLA and PUMPKIN SEED may keep the skin plump, smooth and looking youthful.

Turmeric is notorious for staining surfaces, clothing and bed linen. Wash hands and clean sink immediately after use.

INCLUDES (in order of steps) :

STEP 1 (optional): Steam face with warm water or with Herbal Facial Steam • AU GLO (available as an add-on)

STEP 2: OIL CLEANSER Facial Cleansing Oil • TONE

STEP 3: CLEANSER Turmeric + Amla Black Soap Cleanser • 24K

STEP 4 and 5: (alternate daily or weekly)

STEP 6: TONER Herbal Facial Toner • SILVA

STEP 7: MOISTURIZER Turmeric Facial Oil Serum • SOL (1 oz or 2 oz)

all products are 4 oz, except toner and moisturizer. herbal toner is 2 oz, moisturizer is 1 oz with the choice to upsize at checkout to 8 oz products with a 2 oz moisturizer and 4 oz toner.




NBU Bath Botanicals are made with naturally derived ingredients, which in some cases may cause sensitivity in certain individuals. If sensitivity occurs, discontinue use immediately. Products and recommendations by NBU make no claim to treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical problem and is not intended to substitute other therapy or medical advice.

2MERIC • Even Skin System
